The Official website of J.B.E. McNally including
Jack Carpenter and Friends - All champions for the twenty-first century and beyond

This is the page I am dedicating to Jack's adventures and any other exciting new protagonist that rears his or her head as a product of my hyperactive imagination. Jack's quest in Lithuania, The Vytautas Pursuit, was unleashed on the world back in 2018 with great response from readers.
Now, just hot of the press, Jack, Agnetha and Danny's second thrilling, adventure weaving history with present-day drama , The Eriksson Bequest. The story sees our protagonists engaged by an Icelandic Oligarch to save his family from the grip of two murderous factions, both mercenaries and religious fanatics hungry for wealth no matter how they get it.

The Eriksson Bequest
Released February 2020 (Now Available)​
So much had happened in the eighteen months since Jack and Agnetha’s almost life-ending trials and tribulations at the hands of the Lithuanian Mafia and the Order of the Teutonic Knights in Vilnius.
A new life, new careers, a honeymoon in the Maldives… until the Code Red.
Their biggest challenge as JADE. Jack, Agnetha and Danny’s newly formed Private Investigation corporation.
The Code Red would lead them into more intrigue and danger than they could have imagined possible.
A pursuit through the middle ages as Vikings plundered the north Atlantic.
A resolute young girl of Viking nobility, Auðr the Deep-minded, standing fast against her father and his murderous warmongering.
She would expand her regime from the Orkney and Faeroe Islands to Iceland, producing a bloodline of aristocracy that would stand the test of time for over a millennium. A bloodline that would see Jack’s team and his ex-SVR comrades from Vilnius stretched to the absolute limit.
Auðr amassed what would equate to billions of dollars in priceless treasure troves over many years only to secrete them so well that they lay there forgotten for a thousand years.
But now, with the continuing greed of the Order, joining forces with Iceland’s most notorious cyber criminals, will stop at nothing to recover the dormant cache.
Kidnapping of innocent children, a haunting memory from Vilnius.
A matriarch held to ransom, her twin children the bait.
The threat of death and destruction to all of Iceland.
Jack, Agnetha and Danny have to solve the puzzle of Auðr the Deep-minded before the Order does. A problem that is made more complex by the need to unravel the secrets of the Sagas of Iceland, the magic of the northern grimoires and the advent of the Lutherans into Iceland.
Else two innocent children perish, and Iceland is subjected to the most significant act of genocide since World War Two.
Their chase through the landscape of the northwest Fjord country, western Iceland and the Laxa River valley provides a magnificent backdrop to Jack Carpenter’s second chilling adventure.

The Vytautas Pursuit
When Jack Carpenter questioned his reason for being, after four consecutive tours in Afghanistan, little did he realise that his soul searching would lead to an earth-shattering change in the course of Lithuanian history.
Be prepared for a dizzying pursuit through Roman times, medieval eastern Europe, to present day Lithuania as Jack strives to recover crown jewels lost for over half a millennium. The forces behind his chase and the evil that seeks to prevent it are complex and life changing.
Jack’s estranged mother, his hitherto unknown half-sister and his new love’s brother and sister, all held to ransom by the Lithuanian Mafia in exchange for the coronation regalia. The tangled web of deceit holding many twists and turns throughout the pursuit.
Only Jack, his best mate Danny and his new love, Lithuanian born Russian Federation Special Agent, Agnetha, can unravel the mystery of the jewels and free their loved ones.
The first in the Adventures of Jack Carpenter series proves to be a heart-thumping, adrenaline-fuelled chase throughout.

The Whittlesea U3A Writers Group led by Bryan McNally proudly present their 2018/19 anthology.
For more details check out the following link
Throwing Caution to the Wind - A Third Age Writers Perspective
In Throwing Caution to the Wind - A Third Age Writers’ Perspective, Bryan McNally and Jan Marshall have compiled a collection of special works written by very talented people in their Third Age.
A tale of what it would be like to take a trip back in time to talk with ‘Banjo’ Patterson about his legendary works.
The highs and lows of returning to your homeland as you reminisce together.
The intensity that a loved one experiences when that inevitable day comes when you lose a parent.
Of verse that tells of losing friends and loved ones near and dear to you…
…and much, much more.
The collection relates feelings. Feelings of joy, humour; of life and death, and everything in between. A variety of writing media allows the authors freedom of expression in their works.
The broad spectrum includes, memoirs, short stories, stage performance, essays, poems and exercises undertaken in the Whittlesea U3A Writers’ Group class.
The Whittlesea U3A Proudly presents Throwing Caution to the Wind and it’s contributing authors
A Post-Apocalyptic Fairy Tale - The Phillipe de La Croix Chronicles
I really love writing Historical Fiction. How it was to survive in the bygone days... centuries and even millennia into the past.
You might say its a passion!!
But like anti-matter, I have often wondered how it would be to live into the future. Not too far ahead, but enough to bring to realisation of some of the potential tragedies and boons that technology might bring to us.
A world dominated by Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) too sophisticated to imagine.
World wars waged for God knows what reason with weapons the likes have which could not be conceived in the present-day.
Just as the Jack Carpenter stories needs its heroes, so to does our planet into the future need protection against these man-made threats...
... And that man is Phillipe de Lacroix.
A once wide-eyed young man, his young family his life... his thirst and hunger for knowledge his passion. Only to see his life head into a downward spiral, a helter-skelter ride of dark, epic proportions. At each turn he would emerge, one hurdle after the next in an attempt to bring about a better world.
With many twists and turns along the way, I have included a Phillipe de Lacroix page and have provided readers with Part 1 of Phillipe's tale. Back where it all began.
I plan to author and publish the Chronicles during 2020 and 2021 and sincerely hope readers get as much enjoyment as I do in writing about Phillipe.
I already have several parts in the melting pot and some novel (excuse the pun) ideas for furhter installments.