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The Longest Flight

Writer: J.B.E.McNallyJ.B.E.McNally

Jack was concerned that he had no sleep and wouldn’t be fresh for their quest when they landed in Vilnius. They needed to hit the ground running. Jack tried to resist but he and Agnetha’s night before left them drained the morning after.

They had spent three long days and nights researching; to discover the nature of what lies ahead. Living in each others pockets for seventy-two hours. The fatigue setting in; thrusting them together with some regret and some portent for what their future might hold.

How that future manifested itself would largely depend upon what happened once the flight attendants had cross-checked the forward doors, the air bridge was in place and Agnetha and Jack had reached daylight and were cabbing it to their safe-house in the Old Town section of Vilnius.

But fear of lack of sleep was no issue for Jack as he slept a solid and deep sleep. Twelve hours. Only disturbed when the transit stop in Doha was announced. With that slumber, so too his short but eventful life came flooding back in his dreams.

Its unusually hot. Even for Abuja. Nigeria was one of Joseph’s twelve postings around the globe as he clawed his way up the diplomatic ladder. My Dad didn’t really care for me, and even less for my Mum, Eva. It was always about himself. But this time, was the one time where Joseph’s port of call gave me cause to bathe in the ecstasy that was Mahlia.

We had some great times together. But the ecstasy. The joy. Cut short; a love, my first and only love, taken from me. Brutally. Just as my compact little family unit was when Eva left me to my own devices with a man, hardly a man, whose lust for the unconventional would be the final straw.

When Eva walked, that was the day I had decided I didn’t want to be like him. I want to be the antithesis of that. The guy whose always there for someone in trouble. I’m through with human indulgences. no more weaknesses. No second best. Top of the class. Straight to Captain. The SAS would always remember me.

But Agnetha. Is it possible I’ve fallen, after my vow and all this time. Agnetha, her mysterious story yet to be revealed. Dangling that carrot of reuniting with Eva after all these years.

The Flight deck announcement: “We have commenced our descent into Doha and plan to land at 2200 hours local time. I will now ask the cabin crew to make sure you have fastened your seatbelts……..”

Jack awoke abruptly. Perspiration beading down his entire body as he was snapped out of his dream sequences. He couldn’t believe it. Twelve hours. Asleep yet awake.

Vilnius beckons me, he thought, looking at Agnetha’s flowing crimson hair, pixie like features and imagining her emerald green eyes behind those sleeping lids, not disturbed by the announcements that ended Jack’s dormant and sleep induced dreamtime.

*Jack Carpenter, a Human Superhero in his first adventure planned for publication early 2018

Blog originally published 24th July 2017



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